Aubrey Beardsley was a famous artist whose work is widely admired for its intricate black and white line drawings and beautiful patterning. His unique style is still inspiring artists today, offering creative inspiration for those looking for a spark of innovation for their next masterpiece. If you're looking for some creative inspiration, look no further than the work of Aubrey Beardsley.

Get ready to discover the joy of drawing with our simple and easy techniques! Whether you're a beginner or an experienced artist, our expert tips and tricks will help you create stunning works of art in no time. So why wait? Unleash your inner artist and discover the magic of drawing with our easy techniques today!

Do you ever sit there and wonder what your art style is? When we talk about artists, we often relate them to a specific art style. Like, Willem de Kooning was an abstract expressionist artist, and Leonardo da Vinci became famous as a portrait artist. Everyone has a unique art style. But how do you find your art style as a beginner?

If you've been wanting to dive into the world of hand lettering, we have some tips and tricks to help you get started and progress fast. From choosing the best brush pens and paper to practicing your lettering strokes, we have all of the information you need to start hand lettering like a pro in this article.

Collages look great! They add a unique statement to an otherwise empty wall. But with everyone making them, how do you create a collage that truly stands out? Maybe, you want to showcase your greatest memories or wild dreams or simply for a daily dose of inspiration.

From understanding the basics to discovering new and creative ways to express yourself, Zen doodling is all about letting go of the outside world and letting your inner artist shine. It's the perfect way to relax, de-stress, and have a whole lot of fun.

Naturally, a lotus mandala is based on the lotus flower itself. This gorgeous little plant has grown to become a precious symbol in many Eastern cultures, due to its uncanny ability to thrive even in the deepest mud. It may take a bit of time, but each flower will reach the sun eventually. Because of this, the lotus has come to represent purity, enlightenment, rebirth and regeneration. The lotus mandala, naturally, symbolizes many of the same ideologies.

Although its roots stem from the East, mandala art is growing increasingly more popular in Western culture too. It's not uncommon to see mandala tattoos, coloring books, drawings and even street art. Read on to uncover 13 incredible facts about mandala....

There are many types of mandalas, however these 4 are considered the main ones. Their original figures were inspired in man by nature, a spider's web or a simple drop of rain. They are magical symbols, ancient objects used for meditation and concentration. With them we deepen our nature and creativity...

Color therapy can be practiced in a variety of ways, including through the use of colored lights, crystals, and clothing, as well as through activities like coloring and painting.