From Dumbo to Drawing Master: Create Funny and Cute Elephants in Minutes.

Welcome, fellow elephant aficionados! If you’ve ever wanted to draw the most majestic, ear-flapping, and trunk-waving creatures on Earth, you’ve come to the right place. Today, we’ll embark on a journey from the land of Dumbo to the realm of Drawing Masters, as we create funny and cute elephants in a matter of minutes. Buckle up, grab your favorite drawing tool, and let’s get trunk-twistingly creative!

(Psst… If you require step-by-step guides you can check our signature Absolutely Adorable Toolkit here).

The Elephant in the Room: Basic Elephant Anatomy for Beginners

Before we dive into our drawings, let’s address the elephant in the room: elephant anatomy. Now, don’t let this heavy topic weigh you down like an elephant on a trampoline. We’ll keep it light and breezy as we cover the basics.

The Trunk Show: Mastering the Elephant’s Most Iconic Feature

Ah, the trunk, the elephant’s Swiss Army knife of facial features. It’s a nose, an arm, and a fashion statement all rolled into one. When drawing the trunk, remember to give it some life – think of it as a long, flexible garden hose that can twist and turn with emotion.

Ear-resistible Elephants: Drawing Those Massive Ears

Elephant ears are like the billowing sails of a pirate ship – they catch the wind and steer the mighty beast. To draw them, imagine floppy pancakes attached to the sides of your elephant’s head. Keep them big and bold, just like your soon-to-be elephant’s personality.

Drawing Techniques: Tips and Tricks for Elephant Sketches that Trumpet Success

Ready to tackle some techniques? Let’s dive into the world of elephant sketching like a newborn calf splashing into a watering hole.

The Art of Shading: Adding Depth and Dimension to Your Elephant

Shading is like the icing on the elephant-shaped cake, transforming your 2D doodle into a 3D masterpiece. Use gentle shading to create rounded forms and give your elephant a sense of depth – no one wants a pancake elephant, after all.

Line Work: The Fine Line Between a Flat Elephant and a Fabulous One

Line work is the unsung hero of elephant drawing – it’s the tightrope walker that balances your sketch. Use varied line weights to make your elephant pop, and remember: sometimes less is more. Keep the lines light and playful, like the nimble steps of an elephant doing the cha-cha.

Beginner Art Tips: Boosting Your Elephant Drawing Confidence

Feeling a little wobbly in your elephant drawing endeavors? Fear not! We’ve got some elephant-sized advice to boost your confidence and make your drawings truly unforgettable.

Baby Steps: Starting with Simple Shapes and Forms

Drawing an elephant may seem as challenging as balancing one on a unicycle, but fear not! Start by breaking your elephant down into simple shapes: circles for the body, ovals for the head, and rectangles for the legs. Before you know it, you’ll have the building blocks of your elephantastic masterpiece.

Embrace the “Elephantastic” Mistakes: Learning from Your Sketches

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither was the perfect elephant drawing. Embrace your “elephantastic” mistakes as learning experiences, and soon, you’ll be drawing elephants that could give Dumbo a run for his money.

Step-by-Step Instructions: Creating Your Own Cartoon Elephant Masterpiece

It’s time to unleash your inner artist and create a cartoon elephant that’s cuter than a baby in a top hat.

Step 1: Lay the Groundwork with Basic Shapes

Roll up your sleeves and start sketching those simple shapes like an elephant clearing a path through the jungle. Draw a large oval for the body, a smaller one for the head, and four rectangles for the legs. Don’t worry about perfection – we’re just laying the groundwork for our adorable cartoon creation.

Step 2: Add Personality with Facial Features and Expressions

Now that you’ve got your elephant’s basic structure, let’s bring it to life with facial features and expressions. Add two big, round eyes for that heart-melting gaze. Sketch in a wide, U-shaped mouth for a cheeky grin, and of course, the pièce de résistance: the trunk! Remember, trunks are as unique as snowflakes – no two are the same, so let your imagination run wild.

Step 3: Refine Your Lines and Add Finishing Touches

It’s time to refine your sketch like a sculptor chiseling away at a marble masterpiece. Smooth out your lines, add details like wrinkles and toenails, and don’t forget those fabulous ears! Finally, erase any unnecessary lines, and voilà! You’ve got an elephant that’s ready for its debut on the red carpet.

Practice Exercises

Flex Your Drawing Muscles and Hone Your Elephant Skills! Practice makes perfect, especially when it comes to drawing elephants. Let’s flex those creative muscles with some fun exercises!

Draw Elephants in Different Poses

Like yoga enthusiasts, elephants can strike a variety of poses. Try drawing your elephant sitting, standing on its hind legs, or even doing a handstand (er, trunkstand?). The sky’s the limit, so let your creativity soar like an elephant on a trampoline.

Experiment with Elephant Emotions

They say an elephant never forgets, but did you know they can also express a range of emotions? Challenge yourself to create elephants showcasing happiness, sadness, surprise, or even a little sass. The more emotions you explore, the more versatile your drawing skills will become.


Congratulations, you’ve made it through our wild and wonderful elephant-drawing safari! With a little practice and a trunkful of determination, you’ll be creating funny and cute elephants that would make even Dumbo proud. So, grab your drawing tools and keep sketching, because the world is your elephant-sized canvas, and you’ve got a lot of adorable pachyderms to create.

Check out our other How To Guides HERE and readers’ favorites collections HERE.

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